The connection of Creation with Covenant is seen in Exodus 1 where the ancient Hebrews fill the land of Egypt (almost like a Nile flood).  The language is indisputably repetitious and recapitulates the theme of Creation and its implications for the “sons of Israel” who trace their lineage to Abraham.

No.  I didn’t get that from a book.  That’s how I think and that’s how I write.  Forgive me if the above sentences seem technical and pedantic.  The reality is that citing this textual connection is profound.  It is the outcome of the scientific analysis of Scripture.  This exegetical process is not just an attempt at sounding intellectual; it is called the science of hermeneutics.  Today’s politically correct (and unscientific) distortion of the god of the old testament decidedly opposes any sincere faith; the meme insinuates that Yahweh is a no-good, jealous, capricious tyrant.  And people seem to believe this biased meme rather than the biblical message.  Perhaps I should say this a different way: the “despise god” meme seems to have a popular following (even when it can be demonstrated that this anti-semitic logic is self-defeating AND counters the Biblical message).

Exodus 3 introduces God as “I AM that I AM:”  The good God of Creation is the all powerful, orderly, self-existent ONE whose personal relationships with Abraham, Isaac and Israel, though historic and unique, ARE patently AND presently real and relevant to Moses and, by implication, to us as well.  To the historic Moses (lending that the text records events even remotely true as a biographical sketch), the NAME of God which is given from the burning bush takes on magnificent relevance:

1.  A person who dwells on the regrets and failures from the past (even with reference to character flaws and personal weaknesses added up over time in mediocre decisions and actions of the past).

2.  A person who is “all washed up,” past their prime, in their “twilight” years, or just a “has been”

3.  A person who is profoundly disturbed by uncertain outcomes and possessed with a pessimistic attitude about probabilities in a seemingly hopeless future.

4.  A person who is insecure in the NOW because of all of the above.

To each of these scenarios, God speaks to Moses by the profound reality of His Eternal Self-existence and Godhead:  “I AM That I AM.”  I would hope that any person of a biblical persuasion would allow God’s promise to Moses of a caring, singular/particular, permanent and personal presence to speak through the ages into your life today.  Resolve today that any particular “self” view that has you regretting, doubting or just spinning your wheels IS not a “self” esteem issue per se:  it is your view of God.  When you say you don’t measure up…. it is like you are saying God isn’t WHO He says He IS!  Repent of your mediocre view of God and grow in your faith!